Friday, September 26, 2008

Learning Theatre

I was in Bangalore at the fireflies ashram (what a lovely place!) last week to participate in the Learning Theatre program organised by Sumedhas as a resource person.
This is my second time, I attended last year as a participant. Since then I have become a fan of of use of theatre in personal growth and in a mundane way training & development. The use of movement and action integrates the body in the learning /e experiencing process which is totally lost in the conventional settings.
In a lab setting (personal growth labs, process work, laboratory training, etc) the use of body and movement is limited and especially rhythm and balance is rarely involved. When the body, action and movements are included in the self reflective space located in rhythm I find the self exploratory process happening at a much deeper level with the same intensity but without the trauma that is usually experienced.
I have always found that body, action and movements have a deeper impact in training programs. Today I believe the impact would be much more if rhythm is included in the design of the experiential exercises. I am excited about doing in near future. I am sure it would lead to better learning, behavior modification and conceptualisation than possible in traditional methods.

Another thing I am left with whenever I interact with Sumedhas Fellows is a sense of awe. The richness of their experiences and the rich life they are leading continues to inspire me as it did in my first encounter with process work in CRI at IIMA and ERI in Zainabad in 1999.
It is very easy to get caught with the constraints and limitations of the world we live in and lead life in default options, rather than excercising will and make choices.

Recently somenody asked me what was the identity given to me in my first lab. It was a surprise question and started me thinking about my travel so far. Have I really moved, or am I living in an illusion of having moved? ........

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Problems with Reliance USB Modem - ZTE MG880

Got a Reliance USB modem today. I had earlier returned a reliance wireless phone connection as they were charging me heftily and I felt cheated every time I had to waste time to get my bills / plan adjusted.

Anyways I finalised on reliance USB modem as the alternate choices - Tata Sky and Airtel seemed to have lesser coverage than reliance.

I installed the software for the ZTE MG880, following the instructions but was getting error messages. Realising that the problem might be because I was having Vista, I tried online to get solutions but none worked. Even the reliance web site did not give any clue on what to do. Finally I came across an online post giving the location of a driver

The driver is available at

Its a big file - 86 MB. I downloaded the driver and it works fine.

Dont understand why the same was not given in the CD along with the MG880 or lack of support in the reliance website. Anyways thanks to thunderstrom now the connection is okay. Will update on the connection in the next few days.